Saturday, December 26, 2009


Christmas Eve at Grandma Lori's and Grandpa Sheldon's house

Christmas morning!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

December pictures

Christmas card

At the ward Christmas party

At the Ferguson family Christmas party

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Our girl is four months

Wow, I can't believe Halle is four months already. I feel like she is growing up so fast! With Luke it was like I was always waiting for the next stage, but with Halle it seems like she starts doing new things and moving into new stages so fast and I just want her to slow down so I can enjoy it all! I'm sure it's the difference between having only one child to take up my time and attention versus having to juggle it between the two! Luke and Halle are getting along great. She smiles and gets excited to see Luke now, which is really fun for us to see. And he is very good with her. He loves to give her kisses and blow on her tummy, and loves to say "hey baby". He will say this over and over to her.... "hey Baby, hey baby, hey baby."

Halle is rolling over, smiling, gooing and gaaing, and giving little laughs. She is very much a mama's girl, she has already hit that clingy mommy stage where she wants no one but me (she's usually okay with Cory too) unless you catch her in a really good mood. I took her to her four month check up today and she is around the 50th percentile in size for height, weight, and head size. She is such a sweetheart and has the sweetest little temperment. I love when she smiles and babbles, sometimes she'll just babble on and on like she has lots to say. I think she has begun the teething though, which is a bummer. Her left gums are swollen, poor girl. She is such a good baby and we love her so much!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

This n thats

Halle started rolling over last week!

Cute girl dressed up for church

My mom bought these cute little shoes for them!

Go BYU! The day we took her blessing pics she happened to be wearing this onsie on underneath her clothes so I decided to have Jamie snap a few in this for Cory. They turned out so cute with her little smile.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The beginnings of our first house

We bought a lot in Riverton a couple months back and yesterday we broke ground and the hole was dug. We drove out to watch for a little bit because I figured Luke would love seeing the tractor digging the hole, and of course he did. But Halle didn't like the wind blowing in her face too much! So here is a picture of us by our hole!

What's wrong with this picture???

I love the show "Ellen". It's a daytime talkshow and Ellen is really funny. She does a segment called "What's wrong with this picture pictures?" where people send in pictures they've taken and the audience has to see what is wrong with it. Like once there was a picture where a little boy was blowing out his birthday candles but if you looked closely in the background you could see that the bathroom door was open and his little brother was sitting on the toilet. So anyway, I took this picture of Halle the other day and thought it was so cute until I noticed something...see you if you can tell what's wrong with this picture. I sent it into the Ellen show, we'll see if she makes it on TV! :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Halle in her blessing dress...

Here are some pictures of our sweet Halle girl in her blessing dress. She looks like such a little angel in these and she really is one! She is such a sweetheart and we love her so much! She is so much fun and has the dearest disposition. She is such a smiley, happy natured baby. She gives smiles all the time and makes lots of cooing noises. Her and I will have wonderful little conversations and talk back and forth to each other. She is such a good girl and is perfectly content most of the time, unless she is tired or poopy or hungry...but if those things can be ruled out she is so happy and will sit in her swing or bumbo chair and of course loves to be carried around on my hip. She is getting really close to rolling over too. She is such a sweet girl and I can't imagine life without her!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halle's first Halloween

This was Halle's first Halloween! We had a fun one! Luke was Thomas and Halle was a flower. They were both so cute in their little costumes. Luke was very proud of his Thomas outfit and Halle was the cutest little flower ever!

Driving cars over sister

Luke likes to put his cars on Halle and let them roll off her tummy. He thinks this is very entertaining.

Halle usually doesn't mind it, but this time she got a little upset after a few cars. Here is a classic sad Halle face.

Bumbo chair

Here is our cute Halle girl sitting in her bumbo chair. She can hold her head up so well and can already sit in this thing. She really likes it.

Halloween fun!

We had a fun Halloween night which I called our Halloween extravaganza. We invited uncle Jason to join in. We had dinner, carved pumpkins, watched "Hocus Pocus", and made Halloween cookies. It was lots of fun and daddy even carved Halle her very own small pumpkin and carved her name on the back of it.

Halle's Blessing Day

Last Sunday was a special day for Halle, it was her blessing day. Cory did such a great job blessing her. Halle looked so precious in her little blessing outfit. The dress was actually my blessing dress, me and my mom pulled it out when I was pregnant and it was in great condition so I decided to use it for Halle. I tried to take some pictures of Halle before church but I didn't get great ones so I think I'm going to have to do a little photo shoot of her in the blessing dress. She is such a sweet, special girl and we feel so blessed to have her. It was a gorgeous day so we were able to have our families come over to to the house for a little dinner afterwards and we ate outside on the deck in my grandma's backyard. It was a great day.