Our sweet Halle was born at 2:52pm on Tues August 11th and weighed 7 lbs 9 oz and was 19 inches long. The labor went well. This was an easier delivery than last for sure, but it got a little scary a little bit after I got my epidural. I started getting really lightheaded and feeling kind of notios so we called in the nurse and my blood pressure had gone way down and the baby's heart beat was way down. A bunch of nurses rushed in and luckily my doctor was in the hallway so he rushed in and they all started working on me. I was pretty out of it but they started saying they probably needed to do an emergency c-section. But then they pumped me with some medicine to get my blood pressure back up and got her heart rate up and things were back to normal so they decided to wait but said there was still a good chance I would need to get a c-section. Luckily, things stayed normal, they monitored us really close but we didn't have to do a c-section. A little after 2:00pm the nurse came in and checked me and I was dialted to a 6 so she said she would come back in about an hour to check me again. About 10 minutes after she left I started feeling the strongest urge to push but I thought there was no way I was already to a 10. But I had Cory call her in and she checked me and sure enough she said I was ready to start pushing! So they called the doctor in and I only had to push for about 20 minutes and she was out.
Here are some pictures at the hospital...
Halle is such a sweet girl and we love her so much. She has the sweetest disposition. I really was worried about how I would love another baby as much as I love Luke but it comes so naturally and the love just grows. I love her so much and it is so much fun having her. I don't even mind being up with her at night, I keep remembering how quick they grow and I just want to enjoy it all. I think with Luke I was so nervous a lot of the time and just learning how to take care of a baby and deal with the change and lack of sleep, but they grow out of it so fast, so I'm trying to just enjoy this stage and how sweet she is. Luke is doing well with the change. The first day we got home with her he was a little upset, he kept pointing to her and crying and would cry over just about anything. But the next day was a lot better and each day has gotten better since. He likes to show her his stuffed animals and toys and help throw her diapers away and LOVES to hold her (with our help of course :).
Halle has such a sweet little girl and so far hardly ever cries, maybe that will change as she gets older but so far she seems to be pretty mellow and easy going in nature. Her days and nights are mixed up so she seems to be up all night and sleep all day, but at least she doesn't cry at night, so we're working on getting her to sleep less during the day and more at night. Cory has been off work but he goes back tomorrow so I am a little nervous, but I'm sure it will all be fine.