Saturday, December 26, 2009


Christmas Eve at Grandma Lori's and Grandpa Sheldon's house

Christmas morning!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

December pictures

Christmas card

At the ward Christmas party

At the Ferguson family Christmas party

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Our girl is four months

Wow, I can't believe Halle is four months already. I feel like she is growing up so fast! With Luke it was like I was always waiting for the next stage, but with Halle it seems like she starts doing new things and moving into new stages so fast and I just want her to slow down so I can enjoy it all! I'm sure it's the difference between having only one child to take up my time and attention versus having to juggle it between the two! Luke and Halle are getting along great. She smiles and gets excited to see Luke now, which is really fun for us to see. And he is very good with her. He loves to give her kisses and blow on her tummy, and loves to say "hey baby". He will say this over and over to her.... "hey Baby, hey baby, hey baby."

Halle is rolling over, smiling, gooing and gaaing, and giving little laughs. She is very much a mama's girl, she has already hit that clingy mommy stage where she wants no one but me (she's usually okay with Cory too) unless you catch her in a really good mood. I took her to her four month check up today and she is around the 50th percentile in size for height, weight, and head size. She is such a sweetheart and has the sweetest little temperment. I love when she smiles and babbles, sometimes she'll just babble on and on like she has lots to say. I think she has begun the teething though, which is a bummer. Her left gums are swollen, poor girl. She is such a good baby and we love her so much!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

This n thats

Halle started rolling over last week!

Cute girl dressed up for church

My mom bought these cute little shoes for them!

Go BYU! The day we took her blessing pics she happened to be wearing this onsie on underneath her clothes so I decided to have Jamie snap a few in this for Cory. They turned out so cute with her little smile.