Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The last of our stay in NY

We are having such a great time in New York. We have our routine down. While Cory is at work I take the kids out on walks, to parks, and all around the area our apartment is in. When Cory gets home we venture out to the city, which works well because I need his help to take the kids on the Subway. We are really getting used to the city life! I love walking everywhere and the kids love seeing all the buses, taxis, and interesting things as we walk around the city. 

Cory's family came to visit which was lots of fun. We took them around to lots of fun sites and had a great time.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

More of New York

We are loving our time in New York! We are having tons of fun seeing the City and living the city life. The first week we had a few rough days with the kids sick, Luke missing home, and a couple rainy days, but the weekend got better and the second week was beautiful weather and has been good ever since. Once the kids got over being sick they have been happy and Luke calls this his "New York Home" and loves to say "New Wowrk!" everywhere we go. The kids and I have fun during the days going to parks around our area and going on walks and Luke likes to walk through the city to see the buses. I really like the area our apartment is in. When Cory gets home from work we head out and about. My family came for a few days and Cory's family got here today and will be here for a few days. It's fun having visitors and showing them around now that we feel like we know the area. Here are some pics of the last couple weeks.

Riding the subway

One day Cory had to go to a meeting in Jersey so we rode the ferry over with him and here we are on the other side of the Hudson

At the Central Park Zoo

FAO Shwartz

Statue of Liberty

Grand Central Station

Eating at Gramaldi's in Brooklyn...a famous Pizza place that is soooo yummy

Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Out and about in New York

Luke shoving down chips at the resturant

At times square

At the Lincoln Center

I found an awesome park close to our apartment that we played at for hours on Friday

View from our balcony

Saturday at Central Park