Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halle broke her arm

Last Saturday Halle and Luke were playing on the slide in our basement (it's one of those Little Tykes slides) and she fell and went down hard on her right wrist. She was crying a lot more than usual so I thought something might be really wrong but she got better as the night went on so we thought it was okay. But we noticed she seemed to be using her right arm/hand less and was kind of just letting it hang loose to her side. Then, the next morning she tripped and fell on it and she was hysterical so we took her into the ER and got xrays and were shocked when they said she had broken her arm in two places! Both bones in the arm were fractured above the wrist. We felt so bad.

The hospital experience with Halle was quite the traumatic one. I can't say I blame her, she sure went through a lot, but I just couldn't believe the fight she put up for three hours straight. Every time a doctor or nurse walked into our room she would start hysterically screaming. She did not want ANYONE touching her other than me or Cory. The doctors and nurses figured it out real quick and would kind of peek their heads in before coming in our room but it didn't matter, the sight of a stranger was enough to put her into a tailspin! Thinking back to the X rays, the experience was kind of funny actually. The doctors had me take her by myself to the X ray room and asked me to hold and keep her still...ummm, yeah right! After about a ten seconds they realized this was not going to happen so they brought Cory in to help me. It took both of us holding her down kicking and screaming to get the X rays, and we had to redo one because she was still moving too much! You'd think two adults could get a 14 month old to hold still but it wasn't an easy task.

When we were at the ER they molded a splint for her arm out of some fiberglass stuff, then put the splint on and wrapped it. They sent me to an Orthopedic surgeon to have it casted on Wednesday, but he ended up telling me he thought that because she is so young it will heal really fast and that we can just keep the splint on for the next couple weeks instead, then take her back in and they will re Xray and if everything has healed fine we will be able to take it off. The splint cast is really pretty sturdy so I decided I was okay with this, it is nice because we can take it off to bath her and then put it back on. But at the same time I kind of wish I would have put my foot down for a real cast because every time she falls I cringe hoping that she didn't knock it too hard. Maybe the splint is just as sturdy as the cast would have been anyway, but I still worry, especially when it seems to hurt her.

It's funny because the cast/splint is so big that whenever people see her with it they say it's just about as big as she is! It took her a couple days to get used to the extra weight of it and she kept getting off balance and falling. Not the easiest thing dealing with a 14 month of with a cast but we are surviving!

I wish I could say the broken arm has slowed her down but that just isn't the case! She is going a million miles an hour and I am constantly worried she will fall and jolt it hard and make it worse!

The first couple days with Halle and the broken arm were hard. This second picture is actually Sunday night. We had a Halloween party but poor Halle wasn't doing the greatest as you can see! She has gotten a lot happier now. After a couple days the pain seemed to be close to gone and she was back to her normal happy self.

There is no slowing this girl down! She's as active as ever cruising all around the house and tries to keep up with Luke in everything he does. Every time she falls I cringe and just hope it hasn't caused further damage! She has also found some "creative" ways of making use of her cast like banging it against the edge of the highchair tray when she is done eating to let me know she wants out, using it to smash up her food (of course getting the bandaging all yucky), and I've also caught her using it as a weapon against Luke! Oh and watching her try to pick up a little piece of food or something with the fingers that are barely sticking out of the cast and all the concentration she puts into it when it usually just ends up dropping on the floor is really just kind of sad, but you can't help but laugh a little at how cute it is that she keeps trying!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fall Fun

Yesterday we went to Gardener Village. The kids LOVED all the witches.

Halle loves witch hats. Anytimes she sees a witch hat she has to get her hands on it and put it on no matter how much it drowns her!

We did a fire pit in my parent's back yard and Halle was afraid of it which was surprising because this girl does not let much intimidate her.

Last weekend we went up to Silver Lake at Brighton with the kids and did the walk around the lake. It was sooo pretty with all the fall colors. The kids loved feeding the ducks and "skipping" rocks in the lake.

We went to Wheeler Farm last week. The kids of course loved seeing all the animals!

Halle is getting a little attitude, you can see it in this picture. She is such a riot. So energetic, always going, always happy, with a little bit of sass. We call her Sassy Pants.

The picture of Halle peeking around the corner cracks me up. All day long, she is my shadow. If I try to get away to do something alone for one second I look up to see her peeking around looking for me.

My parents went to Italy and brought the kids back these shirts. Luke loves his soccer Jersey and Halle's Roma shirt is too cute.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Picutures: Luke and Halle & Halle's One Year Picture

When were down in St. George in August one of my best friends took pictures of the kids and they turned out so dang cute. She took some fun ones of Halle for her 1-year pictures including her digging into a cupcake. Then we got some of the kids together and of Luke by himself too. I love how they turned out. I think I'm going to blow up one of each of the kids and one of them together big to put over our staircase. Halle was a good sport and cooperated, she had a lot of photo-taking to sit through. They turned out so fun.

Eatin Time

I realized I take a lot of pictures of Halle in her high chair/eating. How can I not... just look how cute she is! She is so funny when she eats and of course makes messes, but this girl seems to be extra messy at times. Here are a few of her cute high chair moments lately including her first real big cookie all to herself, breakfast time, messy Spagettios making her face turn orange like an "umpa lumpa", first ice cream cone (which she devoured before Luke was halfway done with his!), cute girl smiling, and messy black bean face after eating beans for dinner one night.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Grandma Lori says..

Halle is so dang cute. She is a such a busy girl and Lindsay said that now they have switched roles and Luke is the easier one and Halle is the harder one because she is at such a busy age. She is into everything and just toddles around investigating everything. Luke is usually really nice to her, but when he gets tired he likes to bump her with his stomach and make her fall. She is tough and takes it well and sometimes, when she can see he is vulnerable will give him a hard time back by teasing him or taking something of his. But most of the time they get along really well. It’s just when they are tired that things get a little interesting. Halle's smart too and seems to understand pretty much everything going on. She is starting to talk, just a little, saying little one syllable sounds.