Sunday, November 21, 2010
Little Halle is quite the character and is always running around with lots of energy and getting herself into trouble. She learned to climb onto the couch – next she climbed onto the end table, from the couch – next she fell off the end table right onto the wood floor. So I moved that table away from the couch.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Luke loves to say he is "wakeboarding" when he trips and falls or slides on the wood floor and falls.
One time Luke did this and we were talking about wakeboarding and all the sudden Halle started spinning. It took us a second to realize what she was doing but whenever we said "wakeboarding" she would start spinning again. So now that we made the connection we will ask her to "wakeboard" and she starts turning/spinning around. It's pretty funny. We have to watch her and make sure she's not too close to anything because she'll get going and get dizzy and fall!
One time Luke did this and we were talking about wakeboarding and all the sudden Halle started spinning. It took us a second to realize what she was doing but whenever we said "wakeboarding" she would start spinning again. So now that we made the connection we will ask her to "wakeboard" and she starts turning/spinning around. It's pretty funny. We have to watch her and make sure she's not too close to anything because she'll get going and get dizzy and fall!
Little Indians
Last week we made Indian hats one night. Cory was the cheif. The kids were the little Indians. Luke loved his and wouldn't take it off. He wore it everywhere we went for the next two days. He's really into jumping for the camera lately. :) Halle, on the other hand, wasn't too excited with keeping hers on. At least we got a couple pictures before she ripped it in half. She would rather have these lamb ears on while doing the indian sound thing over her mouth.

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Goodbye Cast!
Halle is officially done with her cast! I took her to her follow up appointment on Friday and they did another xray and it is healing great. You can still see the injury in the xray but it looks a million times better. He kept saying how amazing it is how fast little kids really is! So he said as long as she is acting okay with the cast off we can leave it off. We've had it off now for a few days and she'd done great, so I think we are out of the woods! 
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Grandpa Sheldon says...
So Halle is pretty funny, this last week we played “Red Light” – “Green Light” with Luke and surprisingly you could tell that Halle kind of was picking up on what it was all about. The other day she was showing mom how she could walk backwards and we couldn’t figure out where she came up with that (she thought she was so cool). Anyway yesterday afternoon me and Mom were in the backyard playing “Red Light” – “Green Light” again and if Luke kept going on a “Red Light”, we would remind him that he had to take a big step backwards. Well, we noticed that Halle was over there taking steps backwards. That seemed to be her favorite part was taking steps backwards. So we figure that must be how Halle’s walking backwards came about
Thursday, November 4, 2010
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