I signed the kids up for a little community "singing time" class at the
beginning of the year. Luke was going through a little shy spell and I
thought it might be good to have him do something with other kids to
prepare him to start preschool this fall. He has loved the singing time
class and it has been really good for him. It's basically just a little
toddler time class. They get to pick songs off the board, the same songs
every time,
and learn little actions or have little props to go along with the
songs. It's been a lot of
fun. At first Luke was a little shy and didn't even want to go pick a
song off the song board, but now he loves it and gets so excited about
the songs and isn't shy at all. His favorite songs to do are the Fire
Truck song and the Grand Old Flag song where they get to wave around
flags as they sing.
Technically kids are supposed to be two years old to be in the class,
but Halle would get right into the songs and actions when I would take
her along to watch the class with me so the teacher finally said that I
could just sign her up, even though she was only 1 1/2 at the time. It
was really funny because she picked up on the songs and actions so
quick! She is such an early talker and can sing along with the songs
even better than a lot of the kids that are older than her in it! She
gets really into it, it's really cute. Both of them have a great time
doing it.
The teacher asked if the kids in the class could come to a little
performance at a little fair Riverton City was having last Saturday.
They basically did a little sample class up on stage so people could
watch and see what the class is all about.
The kids had lots of fun doing it and it was fun seeing them up there
performing. Grandma Lori, Grandpa Sheldon and Aunt Jamie came, and
Grandpa Dave and Grandma Dixie were also in town so they came along with
Aunt Jamie (Booie) and Uncle Kyle. I think our little group of
supporters probably took up half the audience!
Halle is by far the smallest/youngest kid in the class, but she
definitely knows her stuff, so it was super cute watching her, this
little girl, up there singing and doing all the actions right along with
the bigger kids with all the confidence in the world.
Luke did great too and has definitely gotten over his shyness. But he
kept doing the most hilarious thing. Each time one of the songs would
end and the crowd would begin clapping for the kids Luke would turn to
the crowd, and with a very serious look on his face, yell out, "Calm
down everyone!" At first I had no idea what he was saying, but he kept
saying it over and over, and I soon realized what he was doing. It was
so darn funny, all of us were cracking up. But Luke was completely
serious. He kept saying "Calm down everyone!" each time a song was over,
and he would say it over and over until everyone would stop clapping.
At first I think everyone else in the audience was a little confused at
what he was saying like we were, but by the end everyone was laughing
out loud and thought it was hilarious. It was really so cute. I don't
think he's ever experienced clapping or an audience before. Afterward we
explained to him that that's what people do to show they liked the
performance, they clap. Then it seemed to make sense to him. Oh boy.
What a funny guy.