Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

t was a St. George year for us this Thanksgiving. The weather was beautiful. Our little indians, Luke and Halle, had a great time down there as usual.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dad's creepy mustache

Daddy grew his beard out for no shave November and when he finally shaved it he left the mustache for a few hours just for fun. Too funny/creepy not to remember :).

Saturday, November 19, 2011

First snow fall

We had our first big snowfall and the kids couldn't wait to play in it. So we got them all bundled up and ready to go. Halle had lots of fun trudging around and mostly eating the snow. Luke also had fun trudging around making footprints.

Daddy went outside with them and started making a snowman. Halle followed right behind him. But the kiddos got tired and cold, and didn't last too long. So good old Daddy stayed out there and finished up the snowman himself.

The kids had been inside, changed into their jammies and warmed up with me for awhile by the time Daddy was done. But he still wanted them to come out to take the picture with him of our first snowman of the year.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Halloween 2011

Here are Luke and Halle in their firefighter outfits all ready to go trick or treating.

Yes, this year the kids matched. But I didn't force them to or anything. They both love firefighters and both wanted to be them. Actually, originally I only bought the firefighter costume for Luke. He loves firefighters and when we saw it he wanted it right away. But when we got it home Halle was very disappointed that she didn't have one also, so we had to pick her one up too. It was actually really fun and cute to have them dress up the same.We had a really fun Halloween. Halloween was on a Monday this year, so Cory's work did a trick or treat at the office on Friday instead. So we went downtown to Goldman's offices and did the trick or treat on Friday afternoon which the kids loved.

Then, Monday we went and did the trick or treat at Azteca (my work) but the kids know it as Grandpa Sheldon's work because he works there too but he actually has an office and sits at his desk and passes out candy, so it makes more sense to them when I said we were going trick or treating at Grandpa's work.

Then, later that night I made chili and scones and my mom and dad came over to hung out. They also brought Satish and Manju and their little girl Powni. They are a family that recently moved here from India and my dad works with Satish and was basically the reason he was brought over here. So we've been getting together with them here and there.
We went trick or treating and of course the kids loved it. It was a pretty nice night. Not too cold. About halfway through the lower part of our neighborhood, all the sudden Halle layed flat down on the cement. Poor girl was tired! It was really funny to turn back and see her just laying there. ome other neighbors were passing by at this point and everyone was cracking up.
The kids had a blast and can't keep talking about Halloween, and of course, trick or treating. Luke is already planning on what we'll be next year. He says he wants our whole family to be ghosts. We will see!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"I do it myself!"

Halle's answer lately to everything is: "I do it myself!" If we're going to get her shoes on, it's "I do it myself!" if I'm going to get her bottle ready, it's "I do it myself!" if we're going to buckle her into the car seat (and this one has caused lots of tantrums and tears because with this if we let her "do it herself" it won't get done and we can't risk her life to let her get her way with this one). 

It is really cute the way she says it. She says it all determined and her voice gets all kind of puffy with every word overly pronounced. Then, after she says it, she'll go walking off with her little march, swinging her arms back and forth with a determined little scrunched up look on her face.

This little girl just cracks us up. She is so full of personality. She definitely has a mind of her own and will give us her opinion, but at the same time she is a complete sweetheart and is so happy and is great to just go with the flow. We get a kick out of her and look forward to seeing how her personality will develop more and more and how this little girl that wants to do "everything herself" that is also so happy and such a joy will turn out to be.