Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Jam, mustard and lettuce sandwich

No that title wasn't a typo, today Halle asked me to make her a jam, mustard and lettuce sandwich. At first I was trying to talk her into something else but she kept persisting so I just decided to let her try it and show her how yucky that combination is, but the plan backfired! I made her the sandwich and gave it to her, but she actually really liked it and started scarfing it up! I documented her making the sandwich with me for proof.

In fact, she was eating really quick and must have been taking too big of bites because on her last bite she started choking and I had to do the baby Heimlich on her - I had to hit her on the back to get the chunk of sandwich out. After a minute or so the chunk still wasn't out and she wasn't breathing and I was getting really scared, so I was on my way running to the phone to call 911 when all the sudden she choked it up. What a relief!

I guess I'll have to ration her mustard, jam and lettuce sandwiches from now on so she doesn't get too excited and eat so fast that she causes herself to choke again!