Luke has been talking about doing a lemonade stand for a long time.
After all the talk he got Halle excited about it too. They wanted to do
it last summer but we never did. All throughout the winter the kids
would mention it here and there, and I would tell them when it got warm
enough we would do it. Finally, today was the day!
Right when they woke up Luke and Halle started making plans for their
lemonade stand. I had to hold them off until the afternoon because I
knew otherwise all the kids in the neighborhood would be at school and
they wouldn't have any customers. The kids made the sign together - Luke
wrote it and they both drew lemons all around it.
Luke told me he thought they would sell it for ten dollars. I told him I
thought 10 cents would probably be better. Once we got the table and
everything all set up I did yard work while the kids stayed at their
table. They took it pretty seriously. They both kept calling out,
"Lemonade for sale for ten cents!" They were very diligent sellers!
As for the selling, they ended up getting quite a few customers! A few
neighbors stopped by and Grandma Lori and Grandpa Sheldon drove out to
buy some.
I'd say Luke and Halle's first attempt at a lemonade stand was a success!