Luke and Halle are cute as ever. Halle is getting really close to walking and is getting to be more of a tyke every day. I have to watch her like a hawk because she likes to climb. You know that little seat toy we have that makes noises? She tries to climb on the handle bars of that. She actually has pretty good balance and hardly ever falls, but if she did, she could get really hurt. Yesterday she got in my cupboard and started pulling out all the dishes. One shattered. Remember when Luke used to do that? I thought maybe since she is a delicate little girl (ha, ha) that she wouldn’t do that. Wrong. So now, every time they come I will have to empty my cupboards of breakable stuff.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Draper Days Parade
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Halle's first Cousin's Camp / Halle' "Oooo" and Snort
Yesterday while at Cherry Hill we were sitting out on the grass hanging out and Halle kept standing up to chairs and things. She will stand there not holding onto anything and just stand there for awhile. Then, out of no where she took a step! Of course she fell after that, but I don't think it will be too long before she is walking.
I included this picture of her doing her "Oooo face" on purpose so I could tell about how she does this funny little noise. She points at things with her little pointer finger and does her "ooooo" sound now when she is interested or excited about something. It's really cute, her legs will get kicking and she'll do the "oooooo". She is also into snorting. It's pretty funny because she'll just starting doing it out of no where and it's funny that such big snorts can come out of such a little girl! I think she has caught onto that everyone thinks it's funny and obviously knows what the word "snort" means because whenever anyone says it she starts snorting away. And when she laughs half of it comes out as snorts. Hopefully she will be able to put that behind her when she gets a little older or that could get embarassing! :) haha.

Boat rides
Monday, July 12, 2010
Grandma Lori says...
Luke is a little bit of a stinker. He gets too rough with Halle, like climbing over her, and Grandpa gets very worried. I tell Dad that he always sees Luke at his worst – at night when he is tired and also when he isn’t getting attention because we are all talking. But Dad really worries about Halle. She really is the cutest little girl and your heart just melts around her. Lately she likes to snort like a pig. It is the funniest thing to see this little baby girl snorting and smiling after because she thinks she did something tricky. She is still crawling with one leg straight and she is getting braver about walking around furniture. What Luke needs is to be around other kids more his age and just play. He is getting too big to be just stuck with his little sister all the time, but then he is not quite big enough to play for a long time with other kids. It’s kind of a hard stage. I guess that’s why they call it the terrible 2’s!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Grandma Lori says...
Luke and Halle are so cute. Halle is settling down and is not so wiggly, it seems to Dad and I. However, Luke gets rather frustrated with her because he will line all his cars up very nicely and she will come and want to play too. But her play is just to attack the line and he gets very upset. I told Lindsay it reminds me of when Brent used to like to crawl into her little pretend kitchen cupboard and pop the sink out and stick his head out of the sink. He was about Halle’s age. It made Lindsay furious!