Yesterday while at Cherry Hill we were sitting out on the grass hanging out and Halle kept standing up to chairs and things. She will stand there not holding onto anything and just stand there for awhile. Then, out of no where she took a step! Of course she fell after that, but I don't think it will be too long before she is walking.
I included this picture of her doing her "Oooo face" on purpose so I could tell about how she does this funny little noise. She points at things with her little pointer finger and does her "ooooo" sound now when she is interested or excited about something. It's really cute, her legs will get kicking and she'll do the "oooooo". She is also into snorting. It's pretty funny because she'll just starting doing it out of no where and it's funny that such big snorts can come out of such a little girl! I think she has caught onto that everyone thinks it's funny and obviously knows what the word "snort" means because whenever anyone says it she starts snorting away. And when she laughs half of it comes out as snorts. Hopefully she will be able to put that behind her when she gets a little older or that could get embarassing! :) haha.

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