Our sweet Halle turned one a couple weeks ago. It is seriously crazy to me that my little baby girl is one already. That year flew. She still seems like such a little baby to me but then I think of how much she has grown and all the things she is doing and I have to accept she is not a tiny baby anymore!This little girl is so precious to us and we love her so much.
Her birthday was a very fun day. First, in the morning my mom and I took the kids to Thanksgiving Point to see the farm animals. I wanted to do something special on her birthday and Halle loves animals so this was the perfect fit. It was really fun, the kids loved it. Halle was very funny. She loved the animals! She got so excited to see the horses, cows, everything, and would kick her little legs and say “ooooooooo!” and get so worked up. Luke also loved the animals and had fun feeding the ducks, chickens, and riding the horses.
Then we came home and got ready for Halle’s birthday party. The party was great. The party guests included: Mommy, Daddy, Luke, Grandma Lori and Grandpa Sheldon, Aunt Jamie, Uncle Brent, Great Grandma Jo Jo (Bagley), Great Grandpa Bob and Grandma Lee (Bagshaw), Uncle Kyle, and Uncle Jason. We had dinner and then opened presents. Then, Halle dug into her birthday cake and had lots of fun doing the 1st birthday tradition of tearing apart her cake! She seemed to like it but mostly liked making a mess! Halle had a separate little cake I made her to tear into and I made cupcakes for everyone else to eat. It was a fun party!
Also, Halle started walking on her birthday! She was taking a few steps in a row before but on her birthday she got it down and started full on walking! Now she is cruising all around. Kind of scary! She’s had a few bumps and bruises but she is really pretty good at keeping her balance until “someone” (aka big brother) runs and bumps into her!
Here are some things we love about our Halle girl:
-The “oooooooo” sound she makes when she gets excited (she is doing this less and less and it makes me sad she’s growing out of this!)
-Her smile with her cute “big bunny” front teeth
-She’s very happy and sweet and rarely gets upset or onry unless she has good reason to.
-Having said that, she’s getting a little sassy attitude lately! She is starting to realize how to get things she wants and she lets me know!
-She is a tough little thing! She gets roughed around by big brother a lot but rarely cries. When she gets hurt if she does cry she is usually over it in 10 seconds!
-She is very active. Up until she was about six months I thought she might be a mellow little girl because she has such a sweet disposition and seemed so easy going. But she started crawling and ever since then she has been going! She never stops!
-She is a wiggle worm to no end! She likes to be held, but she wiggles and wiggles so it is hard to hold her. Sometimes I think she must just want to be put down but she doesn’t she just can’t stop moving!
-She makes a smacking noise with her lips when she wants to give you a kiss
-She’s a bouncer! If she is ever sitting on your lap she has to be standing and bouncing.
-She snorts! She will do it out of nowhere and it is funny to hear such big snorts come out of such a little girl. I think she realizes that it if funny now because if we ask her to do it she does it and thinks she’s funny.
-She loves songs with actions and does them with us...Popcorn Popping is probably her favorite. She also loves Wheels on the Bus, Pattycakes, and others
-She loves to read books with the touch n feel or ones with pictures of animals
-Her first word was “ball” about a month ago. She can say it plain as day and she loves balls! She loves to throw them, chase them, roll them, anything.
-She loves her brother and loves to watch him do things. She tries to keep up with him and does a pretty good job at it!
-Her nickname Ya Ya – this nickname started when Luke couldn’t say her name so he would call her “Yayee” and then it turned into “Ya Ya”, so we all started calling her Ya Ya. Luke can say her name fine now but we still call her Ya Ya all the time!
-Her hair is always done in a little pig tail and no matter how much I curl it, it always seems to end up standing straight up!
-She won’t keep a bow in her hair if she knows it is there so if I am determined to get one in I have to do it sneakily and distract her with something to get it in. She usually figures it out after a little bit and pulls it out! And I can only do clip-in bows… there is no way she will keep head band bows on longer than 10 seconds!
-She likes stuffed animals and cuddles up to them and gives them kisses
-She loves music and dances/rocks back and forth when she hears it
-She is an animal lover, she gets so excited when she sees dogs and other animals and just wants to get her hands on them
-I put her in leggings a lot because when she was crawling I liked that they protected her knees and now that she is walking it does the same thing with falls so I still like to put her in them. Anyway, we love how the leggings are tight on her chubby little legs and show off the rolls on her thighs! I'm sure when she is older and I think back to her as a baby I'll picture her with tight leggings on her chubby legs!-She clasps her hands open and shut when she wants something
-She loves her pink blankey and has to have it to cuddle up to fall asleep.
-She’s not a big cuddler at bed time. When I put her to bed I feed her a bottle and when she is done she turns over and wants to be put in bed!
-Her favorite foods are fishy crackers, strawberries, and milk
-Ever since she has started walking we laugh at how her little back side looks so bubbly with her diaper on. I was laughing about it one day and called her Ghetto Booty and now Luke says “Ghetto booty Halle!”
We love Halle so much and are so happy she is part of our family!
Here are pictures from her birthday day.

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