Monday, September 27, 2010
First words
Halle has started saying words lately. Her first word was ball. Then "ba ba" (for bottle). But since then she keeps adding little words to her vocabulary. It seems that she tries to mimick a lot of the smaller, shorter words we say and she does a pretty good job at it! She is now saying "Go!". It's really cute, it comes out "go! go!" She always seems to repeat whatever she is saying a few times. One day I was showing her a picture of grandma and grandpa Lori and Sheldon and when I pointed to grandpa, as plain as day she said "gram pa!" So cute! Then, today Luke was talking about a character named Koko from a show he loves and again, plain as day Halle said "Ko ko". She kept saying it over and over. She liked that word! She's a very smart girls and is catching onto new things all the time. We can tell that she understands so much of what we say. She does a little sign language like "more" when she wants more food and "all done" when she is done with her meal. I'm sure she'd catch onto a lot more if I taught her more. It's so fun to see her progress and learn all these new things.
Itsy bitsy Halle
Halle had her one year check up last week. I was surprised when they told me she is in the 10th percentile for height and 30th for weight! I was always really tall so I figured she would be too. This doesn't mean she won't hit a growth spurt though, so she could end up being tall, but right now she's just a little thing! People always comment to me on how little she is but I always thought they just didn't know what they were talking about, well I guess they did!
My sweet little girl
Halle is at the cutest/sweetest age. I just love this age. It's like she's not quite a baby anymore, but she's still so innocent and sweet like a baby. She can walk and is starting to say little words, but she is just such a sweetie. Not that they aren't sweet when they get older, but there is that baby innocence that goes away when they start to become mischievous. Halle may have her mischievous moments but she doesn't know what she is doing! It all is by accident! It's so funny that this little girl can walk and do all sorts of things and get herself into trouble without having any clue of what she is doing! She's still at the age where she doesn't quite understand danger either so I have to be very careful of what she does. She would dive right off the couch if she was up there and no one is watching. It's just a very sweet age of innocence and she is so cute. Her big, bright eyes and her little pigtail sticking up just make me smile. Oh I wish I could freeze a moment in time so I never forget this sweet innocent little girl of mine.
Squishy girl
Lately we've been calling Halle our "squishy girl". Daddy actually came up with this. She is so cute and a little chubby and her tummy is so soft and squishy! Luke has some books he loves that say..."that's not my teddy, he is too rough. that's not my teddy, he is too soft.." etc., etc., and at the end it will say something like, "that's my teddy, his tummy is so furry." There are different books for different animals/things. So Cory made up his own little thing where he says, "That's my Halle, she's so squishy!" Which she is! We love our little squishy Halle girl!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The mystery of the missing items
Halle is into getting into things and hiding them. One day a few weeks ago while I was getting ready she was at my feet so to distract her I emptied out my makeup bag and was let her play with it and the next thing I knew she was out of the room with it. After a few minutes I went out to the family room so I could get the makeup bag and put the makeup back in it and put it away. But I couldn't find it anywhere. I looked and looked, but nothing. We needed to go somewhere so I thought I'd just look for it later. So I went to get Halle's shoes and one of them was missing. I looked around for the shoe a bit but couldn't find anything. I figured I'd have to look more later.
So later, I started looking again for both items with no luck. I looked under couches, in cupboards, anywhere I could think of. I was especially bummed about the shoe because I had just boughten the shoes and they were really cute but she couldn't wear them with just one shoe.
Almost two weeks went by with no shoe or makeup bag showing up when one day, I was in Halle's room looking for a book and noticed that one was slid under her dresser and the corner was sticking out. She had obviously pushed it under there because I don't think it would have gotten there any other way. So I pulled the book out, and it got me thinking, I wonder what other books she might have pushed under there? So I moved the dresser (it's a pretty small one) and there were a handful of books shoved under there along with some other items including the makeup bag and the shoe! She had decided this was her little hiding place to store things! It just cracked me up. She seems so little to be doing something like that but she is a smart little thing. What a funny girl.
So later, I started looking again for both items with no luck. I looked under couches, in cupboards, anywhere I could think of. I was especially bummed about the shoe because I had just boughten the shoes and they were really cute but she couldn't wear them with just one shoe.
Almost two weeks went by with no shoe or makeup bag showing up when one day, I was in Halle's room looking for a book and noticed that one was slid under her dresser and the corner was sticking out. She had obviously pushed it under there because I don't think it would have gotten there any other way. So I pulled the book out, and it got me thinking, I wonder what other books she might have pushed under there? So I moved the dresser (it's a pretty small one) and there were a handful of books shoved under there along with some other items including the makeup bag and the shoe! She had decided this was her little hiding place to store things! It just cracked me up. She seems so little to be doing something like that but she is a smart little thing. What a funny girl.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Grandma Lori says...
Grandpa and I took Luke and Halle to our “Fall Festival” ward party Friday night because Cory had a work party. Grandpa drove Luke up on the “motorcyclical” as Luke calls it, and I walked with Halle in the stroller. Jamie met us up there after work. It’s a different experience taking two toddlers to a ward party. You should have seen our mess! They had a soup, bread and cookie contest that Uncle Brent got to judge, so there were several kinds of soups, which the kids liked, but feeding kids at picnic tables takes lots of napkins and lots of spilled food. I can’t say we got much socializing in, but at least I didn’t have to cook dinner.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Grandma Lori says...Halle the stay puffed marshmellow man!
So Halle is walking around everywhere and we decided she is like the “Stay Puffed” marshmallow man in ghost busters when it comes to Luke’s little “play world” of cars, trains, toys and little figures. Why? Because she walks around kind of stiff legged and with kind of stiff arms but just plows right through all of Luke’s setup toys cars etc. like an out of control monster just knocking stuff everywhere. Well of course this doesn’t go over to well with Luke. He’s always yelling “no baby, no baby” as he tries to protect or salvage his neatly organized stuff. It’s funny, and they are cute, but Lindsay does have a handful with them.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Birthday party in St. George
We headed down to St. George two weeks ago and stayed for the weekend. While there we had a birthday party for Halle. Grandma Dixie got a fun cake for her and we had a big dinner with a bunch of the Ferguson family including Cory's aunt and uncle Matt and Karen, Great Grandma and Grandpa Ferguson (Adrian & Beverly) and all of us. Dixie and Dave gave Halle a tricycle bike that can be pushed and can also rock.
Sunday we left the kids with Dixie and Dave for four days while we went to Lake Powell with my family.The kids had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa. Halle was really good for Grandma Dixie while we were gone but when we got back she got really clingy to me and I am still paying for it! She hasn't wanted me to leave her side. Hopefully she'll get back to normal not thinking that I am going to leave her soon. :)

Sunday we left the kids with Dixie and Dave for four days while we went to Lake Powell with my family.The kids had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa. Halle was really good for Grandma Dixie while we were gone but when we got back she got really clingy to me and I am still paying for it! She hasn't wanted me to leave her side. Hopefully she'll get back to normal not thinking that I am going to leave her soon. :)

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