Monday, September 27, 2010

My sweet little girl

Halle is at the cutest/sweetest age. I just love this age. It's like she's not quite a baby anymore, but she's still so innocent and sweet like a baby. She can walk and is starting to say little words, but she is just such a sweetie. Not that they aren't sweet when they get older, but there is that baby innocence that goes away when they start to become mischievous. Halle may have her mischievous moments but she doesn't know what she is doing! It all is by accident! It's so funny that this little girl can walk and do all sorts of things and get herself into trouble without having any clue of what she is doing! She's still at the age where she doesn't quite understand danger either so I have to be very careful of what she does. She would dive right off the couch if she was up there and no one is watching. It's just a very sweet age of innocence and she is so cute. Her big, bright eyes and her little pigtail sticking up just make me smile. Oh I wish I could freeze a moment in time so I never forget this sweet innocent little girl of mine.

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