I have to laugh because I know I probably sound braggy when I talk about my kids, but I really think Halle is so smart! She is so social and started talking so young, and people are so amazed even now when they hear how much she talks and how she can carry on full on conversations. The funny part it, she has been literally talking this much since she was about 18 months old! She cracks me up. It so cute to hear such a little person saying so many things.
Here are a few things she said lately that I jotted down that made me smile:
"I growing every day!"
"That's not fair, Mommy!"
What amazes me is she doesn't just say words or jabber, she talks and actually draws conclusions on her own and says them while she's talking.
Here is a sample conversation we had the other day that shows what I am talking about:
The other morning Luke woke up sick and throwing up. When I went in to get Halle out of her crib and was changing her diaper I told her Luke was sick and had a tummy ache.
She said, "Uh oh, Mommy. Lukey sick?"
I responded, "Yes, he's sick."
She replied back, "Oh, poor Lukey. You better get him some medicine, Mommy, to make him feel better!"
I said, "Okay, that's a good idea to get him some medicine."
Then she replied, "I used my imagination, Mommy!"
(The kids watch Barney a lot and there is lots of talk about imagination on Barney). But from that conversation, I was amazed that she could come up with that Luke needed medicine because he was sick AND that her thinking of that was using her imagination/mind. And she is only just barely two years old! What a smart little thing. Yes, my kids are the smartest! :) You are so smart Halle girl and so talented and Mommy loves you so much!
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