Luke knows the way to Santa's house AND has it all drawn out on the above map. Halle loves this map and follows right alongside Luke to get to Santa's house. You have to go over a red bridge, past the yellow library, over a big blue rock, past the green North Pole, and past the cookie place which is a giant brown chocolate chip cookie. Then you will finally be to Santa's house. It's purple.
As you can tell, this map has gotten a lot of usage already. Luke and Halle love to ride around the basement on their bikes and Luke carries this map and tells Halle to follow him as they hit each stop on the way to Santa's house in the different corners of the basement. Luke has a wonderful imagination and so does Halle. I'll hear Luke call, "Come on, Halle, to the North Pole!" and she'll respond, "Okay, Lukey!" And off they go on their bikes. Too cute.
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