Yesterday morning I sat the kids down to show them the good news - Santa had sent videos from the North Pole for both of them! They were so excited. We took turns watching their videos and after a couple times each Luke was ready to move on to the next thing. But not Halle, she wanted to watch hers over and over and over again.
So all day long it was, "Mommy, I watch my Santa bideo!" (she says her V's with the B sound) "Santa sent a bideo to ME!" "I LOVE Santa Claus!"
I did try to distract her from time to time so she wasn't glued to the computer ALL day long, but I figured I'd let her soak in the magic of Santa Claus...and modern technology all at once. :)
I thought she might forget about it overnight, but guess what her first request was after waking up all sleepy eyed this morning? "Santa bideo, Mommy."
Today it wasn't quite as constant as yesterday, but she is still totally into it. Wonder how long this will last?
I love our funny little girl.
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