Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's a...

Today we had our ultrasound and we found out what we are's a....GIRL! We are so excited! I think it will be so great to have one of each and I know Luke will be such a great big brother to his little sister. I have to say I had a feeling it was a girl but I didn't want to say for sure because you never know, I mean I had a 50/50 chance, but this pregnancy has been different in a lot of ways so I thought we might just have a little girl on the way. Now I'm ready to go out and buy some fun frilly little girl outfits tomorrow! I think I probably will!

We are very excited for our little girl on the way! Here are some pictures from the ultrasound. We pulled out our pictures from Luke's ultrasound and we swear their little profiles look so much alike!
Cute little girl
You can see here how she was all balled up, her head at the bottom and her body swung around top with her legs going straight over her head and her feet clear above her head. The ultrasound technician was laughing at this position and kept saying...look at all the room she has and her body is all curled up in the corner with her legs streched clear over her head...she must be a gymnist or just really like her leg room! She was like this pretty much the whole ultrasound and it was hard to see some of the organs so finally I had to stand up and jump around a little to get her to move so we could get a better look!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I am pregnant! We are so excited! It will be fun to have two so close together. Luke and the baby will be little best friends...only 19 months apart! We will have the big ultrasound to find out if it's a boy or a girl in two weeks. You can see my little baby bump starting to pop out in this picture. 

There's our big news! Ferguson baby #2 is on the way!