Saturday, August 26, 2017

Back to school for the big kids!

The kids went back to school this week!
Halle is now a 2nd grader and Luke is a 4th grader!
Halle has been planning her outfit for days, especially the choker necklace which are very in style right now (just like when I was in Middle school!).
Luke was happier than the look on his face least once he got there and saw his friends :).
Both kids were pretty reluctant to go back and dreading summer being over, but they both love their teachers and have been happy about going since the first day.
As for mom, I'm ready to get back to routines and earlier bedtimes but not ready for them to be gone all day! Summer went too quick!

The twins had fun saying bye to the kids at the school and then we stayed and played awhile on the fun big kid playground.

These two are going to miss Luke and Halle being gone all day! They have all had so much fun together this summer! Luke and Halle have been so cute to include Asher and Avery in playing with them this summer, whether it's playing make believe games down in the basement, or playing outside, or playing at the park or museum or water park (or whatever other activity we went to do). I am so grateful for these kids and so happy they all get along so great and take care of each other! And I'm sure proud of Luke and Halle and what kind older siblings they are!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


And the cast is off! It was a hot month to have to stay away from water but I think we'll make up for it between now and when school starts! Avery is still being really protective of her arm and won't use it but we're hoping she gets used to it soon. She keeps talking about it and saying "the good doctor help-a-my arm! And it's all better now!" The kids have been really cute with her and careful with her and her arm. She's such a cute girl and has been so good and patient through this whole thing!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Draper suspension bridge hike. It was so hot and the twins wanted to be carried most the way, but still worth it! Last year I about had a panic attack crossing this bridge and the kids still laugh about it...I blame it on that I didn't know it would shake and that it's so high up! This time I'm happy to say I was able to cross it fine and help Avery across who was a little scared (she's two so she has a good excuse 😉). Loving enjoying the outdoors as a family this summer! ❤️

Bacon bread sandwich

If you're wondering what this heap of bacon, turkey and cheese is, like I was when I walked into the kitchen, according to Halle it's a bacon-bread sandwich 😂. Obviously, it's summer! She's always loved bacon 😆.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Ice cream!

A cold, windy summer day yesterday called for some McDonalds play place time, happy meals, and of course ice cream cones!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Riverton Days parade

Tonight we went to the Riverton Days parade! It was hot but luckily we got a shaded spot.
Luke and Halle had fun collecting candy and were nice to share the candy with the twins. I think they had a lot of fun running around and driving for taffy :).
Asher loved playing in the dirt on the corner we were standing by. He would play in the dirt and then if something came by he was interested in he would run over (motorcycles, firetruck, train, horses) watch with us for a minute, and then run right back to the dirt.
Avery was very interested in the horses that came by and the princesses (Riverton City royalty). She also loves the bus and the train.

I love nights like these where we get to spend time together! Although we were hot and sweaty and had dust and dirt all over us from Asher playing in it we had a great time! Love this sweet family of mine ❤️❤️❤️.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Last Day of 1st Grade

We can't believe 1st grade is over! Halle had a great year and has learned and grown so much!

She drew this cute picture for her English teacher Miss Hare. On teacher appreciation week she drew one for Miss McGarry.

I came into the school to take a picture of Halle with her teachers and found them lining up out in the hall and Halle was a little emotional. It was so sweet. Her teachers said that her crying made them cry! I love that she cares so much about school and loves her teachers so much. They were great teachers and we will miss them, but I reminded Halle she can visit them lots next year!

Halle with Miss Hare, her English teacher. Halle is such a good student and does so well in school! She scored all 4s (As) on her report card!

Halle with Miss McGarry, her Chinese teacher. This was Halle's first year of the Chinese immersion program and she did so well! Miss McGarry would often comment what a quick learner she is and how good her Chinese pronunciation is.

Mom decided to have a little summer gift for Luke and Halle after school. They each got a new book they have been wanting to read over summer, a sticker book, and one more "fun" things. Halle's is a wooden birdhouse craft set she can work on over the summer.

Halle with her best friend Phoebe.

I'm excited to have Halle home with me all summer! It should be a fun one!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Ice cream!

A cold, windy summer day yesterday called for some McDonalds play place time, happy meals, and of course ice cream cones!

Summer shenanigans!

Asher bonked his head and was sad so my kids came up with idea of drawing a face on the watermelon and making him a "watermelon guy" to cheer Asher up 😂. It worked! Asher wouldn't look at the camera but his tears were gone. Loving these lazy summer mornings and having my older two home. They play so cute with the twins! 😊

Monday, May 15, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

I love Mother's Day! It gives me a chance to reflect on the blessing of being a mom, how lucky I am to have my wonderful kids, and also to think about my amazing mom and all the wonderful women in my life. But I have to say my favorite part of Mother's Day is the sweet handmade gifts my kids make me!

Cory is actually out of town for two weeks on his MBA trip to the Middle East, so I wondered if the kids would remember it was Mother's Day. I was more than pleasantly surprised! Luke surprised me bright and early with this poster he worked so hard on all weekend and a necklace he made me (around his neck). Melt my heart 💗. All weekend be would get Halle and they would go to their rooms to work on something (i figured it might be something to do with Mother's Day but wasn't sure) so they both put a lot of time and effort into their gifts. The middle paper plate is a tracing of his hand he made at school, it's a little container to put things in. Then be made the heart designs, which he said represent the sunrise and sunset. And he made a necklace at the bottom that's hanging on a little pin. It was so sweet.

Here is Luke by the poster and wearing the necklace he made me. The notes on the necklace say "I love you" and "you are the best".

Then Halle gave me these darling pictures and Mother's Day projects she made, including the sheet about me that she filled out and colored so beautifully, the card behind where she filled out a paper and wrote a sweet note, and the little plant with her picture on it. She put so much effort into making all these things special and spent extra time on them over the weekend finishing them. I love how thoughtful she always is and how great of an artist she is.

Here she is after church, she made another card for me at church (pink with rainbow in the background).

Even though Cory was gone he had ordered this ring for me and it was delivered a couple days before Mother's Day, so that was sweet of him and I was able to get a gift from him even though he wasn't home. I saw this ring when we were at California a couple weeks ago and really liked it and he remembered and ordered it for me 😊.

We have 1:00 church so we hung out all morning making cards for grandma Lori, then I was going to attempt taking the twins to church alone and having them miss their nap but Asher woke up with a cold and they were really tired so I laid the twins down for their nap and went to sacrament meeting with the kids late so that I could see them sing their Mother's Day song. Luke was a little nervous and almost didn't go up but I convinced him to face his fears and he went up at the very end. I want proud of him. Halle, on the other hand, was one of the first kids up there and was front and center right in front of the podium, and she sang her little heart out, so cute.

Then after church we went to Grandma Lori and Grandpa Sheldon's house for pizza for dinner and crepes for dessert. We had a fun time hanging out and the kids played and had fun in their backyard with the weather being so nice.

When we got home I was getting the kids ready for bed, which was a little difficult. Asher has a cold and has had a bit of a rough day, and by the time we got home the kids were tired and cranky, the house was a disaster, and I was exhausted! The I got a text from Cory with this picture- he was at the Taj Mahal at that very moment!

I thought it was an awesome photo and also kind of funny he was there at one of the seven wonders of the world on Mothers Day while I was home wrestling kids, alone, to bed. Seeing the humor, I posted the picture to Instagram with this:
So while I was wrestling kids and sick toddler twins to bed (alone) on this lovely Mother's Day evening, my husband was here - The Taj Mahal! 🤣 #theirony But really, I'm glad he's having a great time. Maybe take me next time though, @corydferguson 😉

All joking aside, it was a great day and I'm so grateful for the blessing of being a mother, the greatest blessing of my life! I am the luckiest!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Grandma Lori

Today is Mother's Day, and of course it gives me an opportunity to reflect on my mom.
"All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my mother." -Abraham Lincoln.
This could not be more of a true statement when I think of my mom. She is the best in every way and we are so lucky to have her!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Un-birthday lunch!

We decided I needed to check Halle out of school for a "birthday lunch" since her birthday is in summer so she doesn't get to check out to go to lunch on her birthday. I told her she could choose anywhere to go to lunch but figured she would pick the usual Wendy's or McDonald's. She was so cute and excited when I checked her out. Then as we were walking to the car she said excitedly, "I picked where I want to go, Costco! Just like we always used to do before I was in school!" Which is true, we always used to go get Costco food court pizza before she was in school all day. I thought it was sweet she wanted to do that like we used to. So we went to Costco food court and I let her pick out anything she wanted. She got a slice of pepperoni pizza, a berry smoothie and a churro.

I love this girl so much and don't know what I'd do without her! She's really grown up a lot lately and I'm so proud of the responsible, smart, kind, ambitious, and compassionate person she is.

She told me today before I checked her out her teacher Miss McGarry (her Chinese teacher) had to leave the classroom for about 5 minutes or so and she put Halle in charge of the class while she was gone! Halle said Miss McGarry has never done that before and I told her what a compliment that is that Miss McGarry would trust her to be in charge like that.

As I told Halle today, she has always been my little sunshine in my life and I love her so much!

At lunch today

It's teacher appreciation week and I asked the kids to write to their teachers from them on the gift bags we bought. I was so impressed with what Halle did! She is such a great artist and does such neat work, and her attention to detail amazes me! She has so many talents!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Cake for brother

Yesterday and today Luke has been really sick. He came down with a high fever last night and was sick all day. It was Sunday so he had to stay home from church. The twins were also sick so I stayed home with the sick kids while Cory and Halle went to church. When they got home Luke was feeling a little better watching tv back in my room. So Halle decided she wanted to surprise him making him a treat with her easy bake oven. She worked really hard making this half chocolate half strawberry cake with chocolate frosting, and it turned out really good! The pieces were so small and cute. They were the perfect little bite size snack for Luke, who was finally feeling good enough to eat something small when she finished it. She's a good sister and I'm glad she wanted to do something nice for him! These two have always been such cute friends and so good to each other from the time they were little and I hope they always stay this close!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

My beautiful girl

This cute girl had a high fever tonight and I was pretty worried about her for a little bit there. It finally broke and now I'm left not able to fall back asleep at 4:00AM, so what do I do? Instagram about her, of course 😂. I was reminded again tonight how lucky I am to be her mama. She is such a sweetheart and as beautiful inside as she is on the outside. How fun it is to watch her grow from a darling little firecracker into the same girl but somehow more mature and understanding. Seven is one of my favorite ages and I am loving enjoying her being a "big little kid" for just a bit longer ❤. #slowdowntime #mybeautifulgirl

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Almost done!

Last night Cory and I had the capstone dinner for his Executive MBA program. I can't believe he's down to his last three months (hallelujah!!) It's been a busy two years but he's loved the program so it's made it all worth it. I'm so proud of him and all his hard work juggling the program, work, and our family, and he does it all so well! He's tried very hard, and I'd say succeeded, to still be present as much as possible so he can be around and involved with the kids and I, even with how busy he's been. We'll be glad to have all our weekends and nights back with him! ❤

Almost done!

Last night Cory and I had the capstone dinner for his Executive MBA program. I can't believe he's down to his last three months (hallelujah!!) It's been a busy two years but he's loved the program so it's made it all worth it. I'm so proud of him and all his hard work juggling the program, work, and our family, and he does it all so well! He's tried very hard, and I'd say succeeded, to still be present as much as possible so he can be around and involved with the kids and I, even with how busy he's been. We'll be glad to have all our weekends and nights back with him! ❤

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wacky Wednesday

Halle is all ready for 1st grade Wacky Wednesday for Dr. Suess week, and Luke is a little wacky everyday, obviously 😜.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Visiting Grandma Jojo

Last night we went to Jojo's house for Sunday dinner. The kids love visiting her and couldn't believe when I told them she is 79 years old. They told me she looks like she's in her sixties. I told Jojo that and I'm sure it made her night 😀. I told the kids it's all the vitamins she takes 😉. Luke is already almost as tall as her! She is really cute with the kids. She's one spunky and fun great grandma.

Monday, January 16, 2017