Sunday, March 14, 2010

Halle's first Ouchy

The other day Halle got her first real Owie. She was sitting up playing with toys on the ground and Luke brought over his wooden train track to set up by her. She got off balance and tipped and her head went down and scraped against the one track piece that had a sharp edge - the Sir Topham Hat railroad piece. If she would have went down on any other piece of the track I'm sure it still would have bumped her head and hurt a little but I don't think it would have left a scratch because this is the only one that has a sharp edge. Anyway, I felt bad I didn't catch her in time and Luke felt bad too. I thought it was cute that he was so concerned. All day he kept rein acting what happened - pointing to where it happened on the floor and doing a hand gesture and sound effects to show me how she tipped over, and then doing a dramatic acting out of how she cried when she went down. Here are her battle wounds...not too horrible I know but poor girl had her first ouchy and I had to document it.

Still so happy!

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