Sunday, December 19, 2010

About Halle's climbing - by Grandpa Sheldon and Grandma Lori

Halle is into climbing big time. She has to climb on everything she can. She is always on top of our table and whatever else she can be on.

Grandpa Sheldon wrote a letter to uncle Jake on his mission and said this about her climbing in it:
So Halle is a CRAZY climber – that’s all she does is climb on everything. If there is a chair it takes her no time to be on top of it and then right on top of the table. She never stops climbing! Last night when we were tending at Lindsay & Cory’s house while they we are the Mormon Tab concert. I had to stand next to Halle and make sure she was safe because she kept climbing on their couch then she would climb up on the arm of the couch stand there for a minute then jump (drive) onto the couch. She is seriously lacking for fear. If this keeps up she may be the first girl in the family to clear the wake. Who knows maybe she’ll be going huge into the flats!!!

Grandma Lori wrote this:
We tended for Lindsay and Cory last night while they went to the Christmas concert. Halle kept stepping on Lindsay’s nicely wrapped presents. Have we told you that Halle is a climber? She is a really good climber and has really good balance. You will always find that little stinker on top of tables, on the top of the backs of couches and anything else she can think to climb on top of. It’s scary.

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